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Articles on pet and home care

Whether you’re looking for holistic pet wellness guidance or home management hacks, our blog has something for every pet owner and homemaker.


5 Things This House and Pet Sitter Needs to Know Before Staying in Your Home

When you entrust your home and beloved pets to my care, I take my responsibilities seriously. The pre-booking forms and information I gather about…
July 21, 2024

The Pawsitive Chemistry of Living With a Pet Family

I believe there’s something magical about the way a wagging tail or a gentle purr can turn the worst day around. And beyond the…
July 14, 2024

Summer Pet Safety: Recognizing and Managing Heatstroke in Dogs

Well, it’s July and theoretically the summer season is in full swing. In practice, in the UK the weather is pretty variable. As I…
July 7, 2024

It’s great to be a Springer – springing is such fun!

It's great to be a Springer, springing is such fun. I run and sniff and bounce and play, til all my joy has sprung!…
June 29, 2024

Welcome, Welcome!

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my brand new website, House & Pet Care! Designed with you in mind, my website aims…
June 12, 2024